Green Chemistry and biotechnologies



Project submitted under axis 1for the development of a process for the manufacturing of cellulosic ethanol from fresh or waste biomass. Based on the use of a special grade of phosphoric acid to hydrolyse biomass and on the development of a specific process of fermentation of fermentable fractions.



Mise au point au niveau industriel d'une filière d'exploitation de la lignine, respectueuse de l'environnement, qui transforme une matière première locale et renouvelable en molécules fonctionnalisées d'intérêt.



"Outils de décontamination automatisés multi-polluants (non-spécifiques et spécifiques) régénérables Le projet Massette vise au développement d'une technologie de rupture pour le traitement des micropolluants de l'eau avec pour marché cible les eaux récréatives."



(1) mise au point d'un procédé industrialisable d'extraction de la lignine au départ des flux liquides générés dans le procédé kraft de fabrication de la pâte à papier,
(2) mise au point d'un procédé de fonctionnalisation de la lignine pour des applications en relation avec la mise en oeuvre des nanotubes de carbone,
(3) optimisation d'une voie industrialisable pour la production d'une gamme de celluloses de spécialité pour des applications ciblées dans différents domaines tels que les media filtrants, les adhésifs et les revêtements



développer un procédé de bioremédiation et de monitoring pour la réhabilitation in situ des sites affectés
par une pollution de sols mixte et sévère



nouvelle voie de production de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée à partir de biogaz (mélange CO2/CH4). L'approche combine une technologie plasma et la catalyse chimique. L'utilisation de plasma permet d'être exclusivement alimenté par de l'électricité verte intermittente. Via ce procédé original, le biogaz généré à partir des déchets pourra être valorisé en molécules à haute valeur ajoutée comme l'acide acrylique à moindre coût énergétique. L'acide acrylique est par la suite transformé en polymères utilisés pour la fabrication de divers objets. Le CO2 contenu dans le biogaz se retrouve ainsi immobilisé dans les plastiques que nous utilisons tous les jours. Ceci fait de REFORGAS une solution potentielle pour lutter contre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et donc contre le réchauffement climatique mais surtout une voie participant à la chimie durable.



Project submitted under axis 1for the development of a process for the manufacturing of cellulosic ethanol from fresh or waste biomass. Based on the use of a special grade of phosphoric acid to hydrolyse biomass and on the development of a specific process of fermentation of fermentable fractions.



Development at industrial level of an environmental route for exploiting lignin to transform a local and renewable raw material into functionalised molecules of interest.


"Automated tools for the decontamination of renewable multi-pollutants (non-specific and specific). The MASSETTE project is directed at the development of disruptive technology for the treatment of water micropollutants in recreational waters."


(1development of a process able to be industrialised for the extraction of lignin from liquid waste generated by the Kraft process of paper pulp manufacturing, 
(2) development of a  lignin functionalisation process for use in the production of carbon nanotubes, 
(3) optimisation of an industrial method for the production of a range of different types of specialised cellulose for targeted use in different areas such as filtration mediums, adhesives and coatings


Development of a bioremediation and monitoring process for the in situ rehabilitation of sites with soils heavily contaminated by mixed pollutants.


New method for producing high value molecules from biogas (CO2/CH4 mix) that combines plasma technology and chemical catalysis. The use of plasma allows for energy to be exclusively supplied by intermittent renewable electricity. Through this original process, the waste-generated biogas can be transformed at low energy cost into high value molecules such as acrylic acid. Acrylic acid can then be transformed into polymers that can be used in the manufacturing of a variety of objects. The CO2 contained in the biogas is hence immobilised in the plastics that we use every day. This makes REFORGAZ a potential solution for fighting greenhouse effect gas emissions and therefore global warming, but it is largely a path towards sustainable chemistry.


development of  an innovative, energy-efficient, compact treatment concept based on biological processes to address a form of pollution that is not often taken into consideration nowadays: that of wastewater loaded with pharmaceutical residues



Innovative construction materials


FRENSIS aims to develop super-insulating glass for integration into super-insulating frames. The manufacturing process is based on vacuum glazing technology, which has the advantage of being ultra-thin and providing an unequalled thermal insulation coefficient. The project will allow for the marketing of windows that are twice as efficient as those already in existence. The project is very innovative in the fact that it radically changes the current trend which is to increase the width of elements in order to increase their insulating capacities. Currently it is entering its industrial production phase. Several pilot plants are already in existence in Wallonia.
Results/ deliverables expected:
Deliverable 1 : super insulating glass

Deliverable 2 : super insulating frames



Super hydrophobic powders (SHP).
Elimination of problems caused by water in the building sector by the treatment of surface materials with SHPs which render the material super hydrophobic.



Interior coatings with very low VOCs. The main objective of this project is the development of a range of water-based paints for interior use, of a range of decorative adhesive films, and the establishment of a Belgian reference system comprising the different standards that exist across Europe.



"Integral hydrofuge additive for cementitious matrices: this project is utilised within the context of the protection of building materials based on cementitious matrices and to prevent water penetration.



1, extend and improve the progressive character of the CIMEDE project; develop the progressive modular aspect.
2, address the specific needs of sheltered housing for the physically disabled, nursing homes, school buildings or nurseries.



New generation of low energy consumption sterilisers using advanced oxidation processes



REPLIC is a large scale industrial project for the development of an industrial unit capable of treating 30,000 tons/year of post-consumer gypsum waste of various origins (public waste, industrial waste) to produce high-quality gypsum. The innovative aspect of this project comes from the novel combination of mineralurgical techniques, making for a process that is solid and versatile.



Production of a Cradle to Cradle Certified™ plant-based air barrier membrane. Combined with cork and wood fibre, it offers peace of mind in the context of the renovation of existing constructions or the construction of new timber framed buildings. The solution is complemented by a proposal for selective deconstruction at the building’s end-of-life.


BDBloc - Improve Cootech

Concrete blocks made from recycled rubber (aeroplane tyres)



Environnemental management and purification techniques


ACCUTHERM aims to integrate phase change materials into industrial cold storage systems (refrigerators, freezers,..) on an industrial scale whilst in parallel developing the production and storage of heat for use at a later stage (hot water, steam,…). The use of phase change materials will allow to shift peak energy consumption to times when energy is far less in demand and therefore cheaper.



COMPONAT involves the development of new natural resins adapted for utilisation in the plastics industry presenting the same properties as their petrochemical equivalents (polyester resin). The development of this resin and consequential absence of styrene vapour will mean easier implementation at workshop level and the production of resin-based products that are entirely bio-sourced. The resin is initially produced from linseed oil, and then from isosorbide.



Transformation into lean gas of CO2 emissions from industrial furnaces and valorisation for reuse in the same with no need for pre-treatment. The transformation is achieved through low-pressure plasma technology supplied with green electricity that does not require important redesign of the production lines into which it is integrated.



Exploitation of old landfill sites (household waste) with a view to obtaining potential resources from usable secondary matter (landfill mining). This project is an example of an industrial application following the “cradle to cradle” philosophy.



Control and exploitation of possible new metallic nanoparticles synthesized with specific microorganisms for environmental applications in redox processes such as the remediation of matrices polluted by hydrocarbons (including polyaromatic hydrocarbons PAHs).



This project aims to establish a new recycling method that uses the properties of supercritical fluids with a view to developing a method for separating and recovering critical metals extracted on the one part from flat screens such as LCDs and LEDs, and on the other from second generation CIS and CIGS photovoltaic panels.



To date no glass manufacturer (flat glass) recycles end-of-life glass in its own furnaces. This project aims to develop new supply channels for cullet and its purification.



Interior coatings with very low VOCs. The main objective of this project is the development of a range of water-based paints for interior use, of a range of decorative adhesive films, and the establishment of a Belgian reference system comprising the different standards that exist across Europe.



Identification of suitable technical processes for collecting, sorting and recycling across the plastics industry as a whole.



SHC (etude de faisabilité)

Condensation of water with minimum energy use: There are a growing number of applications being developed for the purposes of industrial and domestic dehumidification, with some even able to make water unfit for human consumption safe to drink via a system of distillation and remineralisation. Biomimicry has led researchers to seek inspiration from a beetle with an astonishing ability to condensate water on its body.  Like the Stenocara beetle, the SHC system will combine hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces to capture moisture from the atmosphere, while at the same time consuming very little energy.

!  The feasibility study is the only part of the project to have been approved so far (R2 non levé by GW or the jury). For the other aspects, a second project was submitted in June 2015.



Efficient delivery of environmental and energy diagnostics at neighbourhood level and help in making rehabilitation or urban development planning choices.
Development of a set of products and services using emerging analytics technologies (TIC, Big Data and numerical simulation), operating in a novel collaborative approach around a GIS (Geographic Information System) allowing for the quick delivery of diagnostics able to be easily understood by decision-makers.




1. establishing and optimising a process for the extrusion of  PVB  from flat glass or automotive glass waste in view of its recycling and qualitative refining;

2. development of new high value-added industrial applications using this recycled PVB in the manufacturing of a bituminous binder for roofing membranes and in the formulation of functional coatings


ECOSA- Improve Cootech

ECOSA aims to develop equipment for the separation of OIW (Ordinary Industrial Waste) fractions, based on a rotating pulley with reduced pressure.
Current OIW treatment mainly uses heavy aeraulic separation equipment meant for treating large volumes, that are heavy consumers of energy, unsuitable for finer particles, lacking in precision (crude separation), and requiring substantial investments whilst also occupying a large amount of floor space.

On a synthetic level, the main innovative aspects are: An OIW fraction separator using a rotating pulley with reduced pressure that is compact and more efficient, particularly with regards to the separation of ultra-fine particles.


OPTIDEMO - Improve feder232

Development of a mobile treatment unit for the on-site treatment of demolition waste.
The project is split into two phases: a first RI phase (conception of  methods to treat the different

waste components + adding of value to these components at laboratory level) and a second DE phase (integration of the techniques developed within an experimental pilot unit).



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