If you are bilingual French-English (mothertongue level), you can apply to GreenWin's job offer through this access. Other offers from our Members may also be available.
LCA lies at the very heart of the cluster’s strategy. It is applied before, during and after the completion of any project.
GreenWin is the Walloon Cleantech innovation cluster dedicated to green chemistry, construction materials and processes, and renovation, of Green Techs. It is an interlocutor of reference when it comes to the circular economy, industry 5.0, carbon neutrality, the fight against global warming and adaptations to climate-related risks, and has been so since 2011.
Since its creation in 2011, GreenWin has promoted the transition of the chemical industry, construction and environmental technologies towards a circular model. The circular economy is part of the cluster's DNA and is at the heart of its strategy, in all the sectors it covers. The theme is therefore transversal.
Industry 5.0 places the well-being of the worker at the centre of the production process and uses new technologies to ensure prosperity, the maintenance and creation of jobs and new professions, as well as growth, while respecting the limits of production on the planet.
GreenWin is 100% committed to this approach.
GreenWin, as Wallonia's CleanTech and Chemicals cluster, has the necessary expertise in green and turquoise hydrogen within its membership.
As such, 3 of the 5 axes of the HECO2 structuring programme, dedicated to the decarbonisation of Walloon heavy industry, are part of GreenWin's project portfolio.
To find out more, click here!
Co-devised within the community of the cluster’s Members, our roadmap is dynamic. It evolves according to the needs and priorities of our region and society.
Check out our calendar of events and the dates for deadlines for calls for projects and don’t forget to make a note of all the important ones in your diary!
GreenWin produces thematic reports based on the priorities of its Roadmap. These can be consulted by accessing our online library.
GreenWin, it is also a team at the service of its community of Members.
This European project, led by a consortium of 12 partners from Belgium, Germany, Italy and France, builds on the consortium's existing knowledge and progress to accelerate the improvement of Net Zero-Energy renovation solutions that meet tomorrow's needs and trends.
We invite you to follow us on social media ((LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube & Facebook). Also, don‘t hesitate to subscribe to our electronic communications by completing the relevant sections located at the bottom of this page.
The place that the renovation of the built sector holds in the relaunch plans of Wallonia and Europe is undeniably vital.
It lies at the very heart of many concerns: climate-related, economic, and social.
With this first edition of the GreenWin « Spotlight », we assess the challenges faced, and the opportunities that the cluster and its Members and Partners can bring.
Happy reading!
Just a year ago GreenWin produced a Roadmap establishing the cluster’s priorities for the 2020-2025 period.
At the time, we had still not been hit by the full force of the Coronavirus pandemic…
A few days after the March 2020 confinement, and without delay, we set up a Task Force with the aim of identifying, within our cluster community, short, medium, and long-term needs, in order to secure the post-COVID relaunch required to overcome this unprecedented choc.
Extending & Improving the Mineral Resources Lifespans : Opportunities, Challenges & Perspectives.
Take part in the Circular Wallonia Days that will take place on 21 & 22 May in Mons | Wallonia | Belgium With GreenWin, Circular Wallonia, Wallonia.be and the Walloon Region
Find out moreThe raison d'être, the stakes and challenges, the achievements, the success stories ...
of which
(36% of Wallonia exports)
Ecocircularity & carbon neutrality
* since 2011
* GreenWin’s industrial sectors figures
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