Walloon players in the decarbonisation of industry and circularity in construction, this type of mission is for you!

Walloon players in the decarbonisation of industry and circularity in construction, this type of mission is for you!

In collaboration with AWEX, WBI, the Direction Générale de Wallonie-Bruxelles in London and Cambridge Cleantech, GreenWin is organising a business mission to the UK from 30 April to 2 May 2024.
In conjunction with Innovation Zero UK, this technological and commercial mission is aimed at industrialists and scientists involved in the decarbonisation of industry (Green Hydrogen, CCU/S) and circularity in construction/renovation. [AWEX and WBI can provide financial support for this action. Please contact us for more information].


The programme (to be refined) is as follows:
> 30 April - organised visit of the show (from stand to stand)
> May 1 AM - Plenary session 

> Presentations of the Cleantech ecosystems
> Pitch presentations by participating companies
> Presentation of EU programmes of interest to the players present

>1 May PM- Networking moment

>Pre-arranged bilateral meetings

> May 2 - Visit to renowned universities and participation in the Construction Demo Day - organised by Cambridge Cleantech


Recap :
> Themes: Renovation and Circularity & Green Hydrogen
> Dates: 30 April to 2 May 2024
> Parallel event: https://www.innovationzero.com/
> Objectives: Initiation of UK-Walloon collaborative projects.
> For whom : Thematic and sectoral ecosystem - GE, TPE, CRA and Univ




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