> Making the most of established contacts: Take part in a concrete action to strengthen links with Canadian clusters and ecosystems and identify the industrial challenges on which we can work together.
> A look back at the Canada AWEX 2024 mission: Discover the key lessons learned, with a focus on the environment, energy and the circular economy.
> Find out about opportunities: Identify potential synergies for European projects and find out about financial support for partnerships (technology, innovation) between Wallonia and Canada.
> Anticipate international meetings: Prepare yourself for opportunities such as Hannover Messe, where Canada will be the guest of honour.
15.00 - Welcome coffee
15.15 - Introduction (Pôle MecaTech / Greenwin)
15.25 - Overview of innovation in Canada: Canadian challenges and opportunities in the environment, energy, circular economy (including advanced manufacturing, materials and digital technologies) by Canadian clusters
Canadian speakers:
NGEN, Global Innovation Cluster for Advanced Manufacturing (Jérôme Lafrenière, Director, Intellectual Property)
PRIMA, Advanced Materials Research and Innovation Cluster (Sébastien Garbarino, Director - Infrastructure and Innovation)
FORESIGHT, Cleantech acceleration platform (Nina Bader, Manager, Water)
PROMPT, Consortium de partenariats de recherche en technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) (Ghislain Nadeau, Programme Director - Productivity Manufacturing Sector)
INNOVEE, Organisme de soutien de l'innovation dans l'industrie électrique, l'électrification des transports et le transport intelligent (Alex Champagne-Gélinas, M. Sc., Director, Strategic Development)
16.35 - Expanding Business in Canada: Choices, Strategies and Challenges for 2025 - Xavier Van Overmeire (Partner, Dentons Canada) and Julien Lassonde (R&D Incentives, BDO)
17.05 - Funding opportunities for innovative collaborative projects between Canada and Wallonia - Aude Segers (Scientific and Academic Advisor, WBI)
17.15 - Feedback from Jema, participant in the AWEX mission to Ontario in September 2024
17.30 - Colin Campbell (Associate Director of Partnerships, Climate Positive Energy, Université de Toronto)
17.40 -Presentation of solutions, use cases and calls for collaboration from Canadian companies
18.00 - Closing remarks (AWEX and Competitive Clusters)
18.30 - End of the networking drink
Registration is free but compulsory.
The event takes place in person at the Business Village Ecolys (Avenue d'Ecolys 2, 5020 Suarlée).
Some of the Canadian speakers will be in English.
With the support of AWEX Toronto, AWEX Montreal, WBI and Gemstone (Eurocluster).
Organised by Pôle MecaTech and GreenWin
To register, please fill in this online form.
Please note: there are only a few places left.
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